Reiki Training:

As a Reiki Master I currently offer training classes in Reiki Level I, Level II, and Advanced Reiki Training (ART). Instruction is given in the Usui method of Reiki. Level I and Level II training may be taken individually or combined into one class.

In addition to the levels listed above I will also train and attune students to the Master Level of Reiki if a student feels guided to complete this level, which allows one to teach and attune others in Reiki. If you desire to become a Reiki Master please let me know and we can discuss the process.   

Most of my training is provided on an individual basis but I will also provide group training upon request for families or friends wanting to learn Reiki together, or if I have requests from multiple students wishing to learn around the same time and their schedules allow.



Reiki Level I - Healing Thyself

Level I training introduces one to the history and basic techniques of Reiki. Students will be attuned to Reiki level I and once attuned will have the ability to connect with the Reiki (or Universal Life Force) energy and use it to perform Reiki on oneself. Reiki may also be performed on others at this level but I personally encourage students to wait until they have received Reiki Level II before doing so.

Cost: $150 (Some Handouts & Certificate Included)

This class is taught in 1 day. The actual number of classroom hours will vary depending upon whether the class is being taught to an individual or group but will normally range between 4-5 hours.


Reiki Level II - Healing Others

Level II training gives one a more in-depth understanding of Reiki and introduces students to 3 of the Usui Reiki symbols. These symbols are used to enhance the strength of the Reiki energy and it's healing ability. Attunements are given for the symbols learned and students will learn how each of the symbols can be used in a Reiki session. Students will also be taught the technique of sending Reiki over distances. At the completion of this class students will have gained the ability to and have learned several different techniques available to perform Reiki on others.  

Cost: $250  (Manual and Certificate Included)

This class is normally taught over a 1 day period. The actual number of classroom hours will vary depending upon whether the class is being taught to an individual or group but will normally range between 5-6 hours.

Reiki Level I & II

This combined class includes Level I and II at a discounted price.

Cost: $350  (Manual and Certificate Included)

This class is normally taught over a 2 day period. The days may be consecutive or separate depending upon the student's schedule. The actual number of classroom hours will vary depending upon whether the class is being taught to an individual or group but will normally range between 10-12 hours.

Advanced Reiki Training (ART)

ART training requires that a student has been practicing Reiki for a minimum of 6 months at Level II and be able to draw the 3 symbols taught in Level II from memory.   

This is a one day class and teaches students several advanced Reiki techniques. In this class students will be introduced and attuned with the 4th Usui Reiki Symbol. In addition students will learn how to use crystals and stones with Reiki, how to perform Reiki Aura clearings, and be provided a Reiki meditation that strengthens and expands the consciousness.

Cost: $225  (Manual and Certificate Included)

This class is taught in 1 day. The actual number of classroom hours will vary depending upon whether the class is being taught to an individual or group but will normally range between 4-6 hours.

Note: ART training may also combined with Master level training for those wishing to become a Reiki Master. 

Master Level Training

Please Contact me for information regarding Reiki Master level training. ART training is a pre-req for the Master level training 

Cost: $650.00 (Manual and Certificate Included)


For More Information, to Schedule a Reiki Session, or to Inquire about Reiki Training please me or call me. Mahalo! 


Bill: (808) 572-4177

Located in the
Ashland / Medford / Shady Cove
Oregon Area